
I believe in empathy, and its power to change how we experience the world. I believe that when we sit in a dark room and hear the stories of people who aren’t like us, we can often recognize something of ourselves. The world is full of messages about who we cannot connect with, whose experiences we cannot understand. I want to make work that might connect us across that difference.
I spent the first chunk of my career developing new plays on shoestring budgets in sketchy downtown spaces. It made me scrappy and inventive and able to take pretty much anything lying around and spin it into gold. This ethos informs all of my work.
More recently, my work has sprung from a deep commitment to community engagement – communities whose stories I am telling, whose members I connect with as collaborators or students, and who I extend hospitality to as audience.
I direct plays, make films, write, teach and produce. For more specific information about my work, please download my resume here.

I work from curiosity and generosity. My rehearsal room is a place of both joy and rigor, where everyone can do their best work, where we surprise ourselves with discoveries none of us could have imagined alone.
New Feet Productions is dedicated to developing new plays and new takes on classical works that ripple with theatrical language and invention. We are committed to telling stories that meet the world as we find it right now, and engaging diverse communities both on stage and in the audience. I founded New Feet in 2007 to support the development of Into The Hazard (Henry 5) at Walkerspace, with sets and lights designed by Tony-winning designer Christopher Akerlind.
New Feet has produced or co-produced world premieres of works including: Milk by Emily DeVoti (co-produced with New Georges – 2010), All Day Suckers by Susan Dworkin at the New York International Fringe Festival (2010), This American Life journalist Jack Hitt’s solo performance Making Up The Truth (International Festival of Arts and Ideas, Spoleto Festival, Joe’s Pub – 2011-12), Maya Macdonald’s Leave The Balcony Open (2012), Arden/Everywhere (in partnership with Baruch Performing Arts Center – 2017), and The Frontera Project (co-produced with Tijuana Hace Teatro – ongoing).