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by Emily DeVoti
Produced by New Georges and New Feet Productions

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When someone says they really got their hands dirty working on something, it’s usually a figure of speech. Not so for Milk by Emily DeVoti. The play takes place on a small, family-run dairy farm and, in the course of several years of development, we made it literal. At a development workshop at the Orchard Project, we rehearsed in fields and farmhouses, we milked cows at a local dairy farm. At the beginning of rehearsals for the Off-Broadway production, we spent a few days at Hawthorne Valley Farm where we did chores and witnessed the birth of a calf. While MILK is fundamentally a parable – not at all naturalistic – having dirt on our hands from our experiences on farms informed every choice we made, profoundly shaping what the play became.

Cast: Jordan Baker, Carolyn Baeumler, Peter Bradbury, Jon Krupp, Anna Kull and Noah Robbins.

Designers: Amy Altadonna, Lenore Doxsee, Emily Pepper and Susan Zeman Rogers.

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"The director, Jessica Bauman, stages action deftly (especially nice is a wordless bit in which pails are handed back and forth from the house to the barn)."

-The New York Timesl

"A New Georges–New Feet collaboration premiering at Here, directed by Jessica Bauman, Milk is rich, unexpected, and often enthrallingly vivid."

-The Village Voice

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